Τρίτη 26 Ιουλίου 2011

making a bad picture look good

     Working "on location", on your customers working area is not easy at all,especially when photography is needed.Manufacturers hesitate to bring their products to the photographic studio,so we go to the factory and shoot "on location". The conditions are not the ones a photographer would wish,so he has to find ways to do his work.Electronic technology helps allot. I present two items photographed "on location", the one in 2009 and the other just last month,both factories where 500 miles away from home. i hope you like the result, i know that i enjoyed creating a bad photo into a nice one. The whole job was done exclusively on Photoshop.

Δευτέρα 4 Ιουλίου 2011

creating a new picture

Modern technology provides professionals to create and develop pictures in many ways. According to the needs a project may need computer technology can create vert simple and more complexed items. Unfortunately thou skills are still essential,and of course nothing is easy and therefore not cheap to create complexed pictures. AB graphics.gr has improved its "hand made" picture touch in a way that costs come down,studios' are not essential,and customers do not suffer from transferring there items to the studio and back,especially when the customer is a furniture manufacturer.
So we shot a corner sofa on location as it was in the retail store as an exhibit. Then we took some shots from different places from the center of Athens,windows,floors from squares etc.We put them together and with a fictional show room we put the sofa in a new place to be presented to the public.

we believe the project is quite successful.